Annuals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, No.4 (1989)
HORIUCHI Masaki Festival of Sidi Sharqi: Case Study on the Moussem (Saintly Festival) in Central Morocco. (in Japanese) 1-43.
MIURA Toru Al-Sa^lihi^ya Quarter in the Mamlu^k Period: Its Structure and the Role of the 'Ulama^'Society. (in Japanese) 44-84.
IWAI Hideko The Politico-juridical Development of "Wila^yah" in the Twelver Shi^'ism. (in Japanese) 85-117.
MIZUTA Masashi Esha^reyi^ dar Ba^re-ye Maqa^ma^t-e Shahri^-ye Tabri^z dar Qarn-e Nu^zdahom-e Mi^la^di^. (in Japanese) 119-140.
Abd Allah Hanna Dayr 'Ati^ya: Dha^t al-Milki^ya^t al-Falla^hi^ya al-Saghi^ra wa Ta'ri^kh Awwal Jama'i^ya Zira^'i^ya Ta'a^wuni^ya fi^ Su^riya. (in Arabic) 141-174.
MIYATAKE Shiro The Significance of the Hebrew Sources -Responsa- in the Study of Ottoman History during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. (in Japanese) 175-199.
Muhammad Yusuf Ali Munazamat al-a'mal al-islamiya fi al-durasat al-yananiya: Dirasat naqdiya. (in English) 201-239.
KURINO Otori Report on the Fifth United Nations International NGO Meeting on the Question of Palestine. (in Japanese) 241-281.
SHIMIZU Hiroshi A Baconian, Positivist, or Theorist?: Some Comments on Mr. Katsuhiko Ishikawa's Review of My Work. (in English) 282-288.
Daad al-Hakim The Center of Historical Documents in Damascus Classifying,Indexing, and Studying Its Documents. (in English) 286-296.
NISHIO Tetsuo On the Non-causative Usage of the Causative form in Arabic. (in English) 1-45.
SHIMIZU Yoshimi Der Heiligenkultus in Jordanien: Eine Seite des Jordanishen Islams. (in English) 47-79.
UNO Masaki L'Histoire et la Societe des Druzes au Jabal ad-Dru^ze en Syrie. (in Japanese) 81-116.
Mahmoud Hreitani Tawassu' Aswag "al-Madinat" fi halab. (in French) 117-156.
IO Hideyuki The Shi^'ite Rebellion in the Reign of the Caliph al-Ma'mu^n. (in Japanese) 157-191.
PHILIPS, John E. Two Arabic: Hausa Histories from Wurno by Malam Haliru Wurno. (in English) 192-210.
OTA Keiko Reference Materials for Revision of Arabic Manuscripts. (in Japanese) 211-250.
ARAI Masami The New Trends among Turkish Researchers on the Modern History of Turkey. (in Japanese) 251-264(251).
HONDA Koichi Ba'd Muhamalati al-ramiya ila Fahsin wa Tanwi' Asalib Ta'lim al-Lughat al-'Arabiya al-Yabaniyin. (in Arabic) 265-285.
ISHIKAWA Katsuhiko Reply to Mr. Shimizu's Counterargument. (in English) 289-291.