Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, No.8 (1993)
HASHIMOTO Kohei Silk, Information and Migrants: The Causes of the Lebanese Migration Reconsidered. (in English) 1-54.
YAMANAKA Yuriko From Evil Destroyer to Islamic Hero: The Transformation of Alexander the Great's Image in Iran. (in English) 55-87.
KAWAGUCHI Takushi Timurlular Devrinde Sah Ruh Iktidarina Karsi Bir Emir Isyani. (in Turkish) 89-125.
HONDA Koichi A Study on the Elements of Beauty in Each Style of Arabic Calligraphy. (in Japanese) 127-167.
DAIBER, Hans Science and Technology versus Islam: A Controversy from Renan and Afgha^ni^ to Nasr and Needham and Its Historical Background. (in English) 169-187.
YANAGIHASHI Hiroyuki Le droit islamique au sein de l'ordre etatique du Maroc. (in French) 189-210.
NARAMOTO Eisuke Formation of U.S. Policies towards Jewish Refugees and Palestine Question: March 1938-January 1939. (in Japanese) 211-238.
TAKEDA Shin Malak Hifni^ Na^sif and Women's Liberation in Egypt. (in Japanese) 239-251.
SASHIMA Takashi Two Aspects of Turkish Islam: Officially Organized Islam and Saint Worship in Local Society. (in Japanese) 253-285.
Omar Ben Mira al-Fatawa al-fiqhiya fi ta'rikh al-Maghrib. (in Arabic) 287-298.
SHITOMI Yuzo Socotra: Son histoire et etat actuel. (in Japanese) 299-321.
MIZUTANI Eizo Use of Chemical Weapon in the Iran-Iraq War. (in Japanese) 323-351.
REICH, Bernard The Bush Administration and the Middle East Facing New Realities. (in English) 353-372.
KIM Jong Wee The Muslim Image of Korea in the Early Arabic and Persian Literature. (in English) 373-396.
KIM Soonam Arab-Israeli Conflict and Conciliation: From Camp David to Madrid and Thereafter. (in English) 397-418.
SHIM Ui-Sup Korean Workers in the Gulf States during the Construction Boom. (in English) 419-426.
SUH Jaemahn Korea and the Middle East. (in English) 427-446.