Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, No.14 (1999)
MORI Shintaro al-Lughat al-'Arabiyya fi al-Adab al-'Arabi^ al-Hadi^th wa Nazra Jubra^n Khali^l Jubra^n alay-ha^. (in Japanese) 1-20.
ONUMA Kimie Tahli^li^ az "Ka^r-e Shabpa^": Bahsi^ az Enteqa^d-e Ash'a^r-e Ni^ma^ Yu^shi^j. (in Japanese) 21-55.
KIKUCHI Tatsuya The Structure of the Mythology in Isma^'i^lism. (in Japanese) 57-84.
MOTOYOSHI Akiko Reality and Reverie: Wine and Ekphrasis in the 'Abbasid Poetry of Abu^ Nuwa^s and al-Buhturi^. (in English) 85-120.
IWASE Yuka The Development of Selected Stories from the Pancatantra: 'Crows and Serpent', 'Heron and Crab' and 'Heron, Serpent and Mongoose (Weasel)'. (in English) 121-146.
HASEGAWA So On the Traditional Aspect of the Memphite Local Economy for the Materials and Industries in Late Antiquity. (in Japanese) 147-162.
FUKUDA Yoshiaki An Introduction to the Mental Geography of Naji^b Mahfu^z: Urban Space in his Cairene Novels. (in Japanese) 163-196.
MATSUI Masako The Internal Trade Policy of the Ottoman Empire and Muste'men Merchants: A Study on Mi^ri^ Duty. (in Japanese) 197-218.
HAMADA Seiko al-Ja^hiz and the Formative Process of Arabic Rhetoric. (in Japanese) 219-247.
SAITO^ Mitsuko
------- (in Japanese) 249-273.
KATO Hiroshi "Old Wine, New Bottle" or "Old Wine, Old Bottle"?: A Response to Professor Okanouchi's Criticism about My Book. (in Japanese) 275-284.
BENABOUD, M'hammad Non-Economic Sources for the Economic History of Al-Andalus during the Period of the Taifa States. (in Japanese) 285-296.