- 参加者の健康と安全を最優先に判断する。
- 開催の有無や延期については、日本中東学会の学会長と理事会と情報交換し、その判断を尊重しつつ、最終決定をする。
(1) 研究発表予定者の要旨集の原稿締切日について
(2) 一般学会員の年次大会へのWeb事前参加登録について
(3) 参加費と昼食代(お弁当代)の振り込みについて
- <振り込み先銀行・口座番号等>
- みずほ銀行 玉川学園前支店(普)3007574 名義:日本中東学会第36回年次大会実行委員会
(ニホンチュウトウガッカイダイ 36 カイネンジタイカイジッコウイインカイ)
(4) 託児所について
実行委員長 加藤 朗
事務局長 鷹木恵子
Dear All,
The JAMES 2020 Annual Meeting Organization Committee regretfully announces that the reception party on May 16, 2020 is to be cancelled due to the actual situation of the coronavirus spread risk according to the consultation with the board of directors. Concerning the JAMES 2020 Annual Meeting itself, we will announce again on Friday April 3, whether it will take place or not
Under these uncertain circumstances, we still prepare for the Annual Meeting and ask your kind understanding and cooperation.
Please read the following instructions which are partly modified because of these unexpected conditions, and take procedures to participate in the meeting and to present a paper.
1. Submission of the Title and Abstract for the Proceedings by the presenters:
To make the proceedings of the Meeting, we would like to ask the presenters to submit to the JAMES Meeting Organization Committee the title and abstract of the presentation both in Japanese (600 letters) and English (300 words) according to the sample format.
Please respect the format of one page for a paper presenter and the format of four pages for a session. The presentation must be done either in Japanese or English, not in other languages. The presenters in English may submit the title and abstract only in English, if the Japanese version is not available.
The deadline of the submission is extended until Tuesday, March 10, 2020.
2. Registration of the Annual Meeting on the Website:
Please visit the following website of the JAMES 2020 Annual Meeting, and register for the conference no later than Friday, April 10, 2020. If you are a presenter, please register by Friday, March 13, 2020. In case you will be absent from the meeting, please submit power of attorney for JAMES general assembly on the website.
(http://www.james1985.org/modules/meetings/index.php?content_id=1 )
3. Payment:
Please wait the final announcement concerning the JAMES 2020 Annual Meeting on Friday, April 3, and if it will be announced to take place as scheduled, please pay the participation fee of the meeting (1,000 yen) , and that of a lunch box (1,000 yen, optional) on May 17th into the following bank account by Monday, April 13, 2020.
- Name of Bank:
- Name of Branch:
- Saving Account:
- Number: 3007574
- Name of Account Holder:
Please transfer the fee only by your own name, not by the name of your organization. In general, if you pay it by cash card at ATM, it will cost less than by cash. Overseas residents or others who have difficulty to make a payment by the due date, please contact us and inform about it.
4. Child Care Center:
If you want to use day care center for your children, please register on the same website.
The person in charge of the JAMES Meeting Organization Committee will contact you at a later date.
All members of the JAMES 2020 Annual Meeting Organization Committee are greatly hoping you to be present at the Annual Meeting and seeing you all in spite of this actual situation.
Thank you very much for your kind comprehension and cooperation.
The JAMES 2020 Annual Meeting Organization Committee
College of Arts and Science, J.F. Oberlin University
3758 Tokiwa-Machi, Machida-Shi, Tokyo, JAPAN 194-0294
Tel: +81 42 797 9293 Fax: +81 42 797 1887
E-mail : james2020obirin[a]gmail.com / ktakaki[a]obirin.ac.jp