第15回AFMA(アジア中東学会)大会発表公募 Call for Papers for the 15th AFMA Conference
『日本中東学会ニューズレター』No. 172でお知らせしたとおり、第15回AFMA(アジア中東学会)大会は、2024年12月7日(土曜日)、8日(日曜日)の日程で、同志社大学今出川校地(京都市)において開催されます。
応募の要領などの詳細は、以下の Call for Papers をご覧ください。
Dear all,
This is the Organizing Committee of 15th AFMA (Asian Federation of Middle East Studies Associations) Conference.
As announced in JAMES Newsletter No. 172, the 15th AFMA Conference will be held on December 7 (Saturday) and December 8 (Sunday), 2024, at Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.
Applications for panel presentations and individual presentations on the second day of the conference (December 8) will be accepted from February 20 to May 31, 2024.
The language for both panel and individual presentations is English.
Please see the following Call for Papers for details on the application procedure.
We look forward to receiving many applications.
Call for Papers for the 15th AFMA Conference
Towards an Optimal Framework for Middle East Studies:
Asian and Middle Eastern Perspectives in an Era of Global Challenges
- Date:
- December 7 (Sat) – 8 (Sun), 2024
- Venue:
- Doshisha University, Imadegawa Campus (Kyoto, Japan)
- General call for papers:
- February 20, 2024 – May 31, 2024
- Prospectus
- The global community is undergoing profound transformations at different levels. Ongoing wars and conflicts
reveal hopes, fears, calculations, and even opportunisms of actors trying to adjust themselves to the emerging
situations. Asia and the Middle East are no exceptions. For Asian countries whose economies have depended
heavily on fossil fuels from the Middle East, not only the (hopefully) short-term energy crisis triggered by the
war in Ukraine but also the global trend for de-fossilization are posing new challenges. The need for renewed
engagements with the Middle East in ways that go beyond ones defined by economic concerns is acutely felt. The
ongoing critical situation that originated in Palestine and has quickly involved the entire region only
reinforces this observation.
How can Asian countries, as equal partners, contribute to the reconfiguration of political, economic, and social systems in the Middle East that have been based on and shaped by the existence of fossil fuels in the region? After half a century since the 1973 OPEC oil crisis, “Asia” is urged to explore ways to revamp and enhance its relations with the Middle East. In the meantime, and all these said, the economic importance of the Middle East is expected to remain unchanged even in the era of net zero emissions, given its edge in areas such as the production of hydrogen and ammonium.
All these require renewed Asian perceptions of the Middle East and upgraded Middle East studies that underpin them. The 15th AFMA Conference aims to serve as a forum for all the participants from Asia, the Middle East, and other regions to achieve this goal. The Organizing Committee firmly believes that constructive perceptions of the Middle East and new Middle East studies can only be achieved by incorporating the voices from the region itself and of the interested parties beyond the two regions. Therefore, not only the members of the four Asian Middle East studies associations constituting AFMA but also scholars based in the Middle East and other regions are encouraged to submit panel and paper proposals. - Thematic Axes of the Conference
- Panel and paper proposals in line with, but not limited to, the following thematic axes are welcomed.
- Politics and society in the Middle East
- Religious and intellectual lives in the Middle East
- Society and environment in the Middle East
- Historical experiences of the Middle East seen from Asian perspectives
- Changing energy situation in the world and the future of the Middle East
- Economic relationships between Asian and Middle Eastern countries
- Middle East diplomacies of the Asian countries and Asian diplomacies of the Middle Eastern countries
- Cultural interactions between Asia and the Middle East
- Middle East studies in Asia: The past, present, and the future
- Middle East studies in the West and Middle East studies in Asia
- Submission Guidelines
- Please keep in mind the following guidelines for submitting papers to the conference:
- i. A pre-arranged panel should be composed of 3–4 presentations or 3 presentations and a comment.
- ii. A panel proposal should include a panel abstract (within 300 words) and the abstracts of all the prospective presentations therein (within 300 words each; excluding the comment). All the abstracts must be anonymized. The names and affiliations of all the panel participants as well as the contact address of the panel organizer should be provided in a separate document.
- iii. A paper proposal must be anonymized and not exceed 300 words. The presenter’s name and affiliation should be provided in a separate document.
- iv. The submission deadline is May 31, 2024. The acceptance decision is scheduled to be announced to the panel organizers and proposers of individual papers by June 30, 2024. All abstracts and presentations must be in English.
- v. All submissions are made as PDF files and sent as attached to emails to the Organizing Committee at the address <afma2024@mail.doshisha.ac.jp>. A submission confirmation email will be sent to the submitter within one week.
- The Organizing Committee will decide the fees by April 15, 2024 (Mon) and announce it at the following link.
- → AFMA2024 Guides and Documents <https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/s1l3d5b5w7k5v8dyq9iay/h?rlkey=5t8nqp8weocj9cl3ix1uq7w11&dl=0>
- About AFMA
- The Asian Federation of Middle East Studies Associations (AFMA) is the only permanent platform in Asia for international research exchanges in Middle East studies. It was established in 1995 by three Middle East Studies associations in the region, namely, CAMES (China), JAMES (Japan), and KAMES (Korea), and joined later by MAMES (Mongolia) in 2003. AFMA has held fourteen biennial conferences to date.
- Member Associations:
- Chinese Association for Middle East Studies (CAMES)
Japan Association for Middle East Studies (JAMES)
Korean Association of Middle East Studies (KAMES)
Mongolian Association of Middle East Studies (MAMES) - Contact
- The Organizing Committee of the AFMA 15th Conference
Address: c/o Professor MORIYAMA Teruaki, Center for Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions (CISMOR), Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan)
E-mail address:
(Secondary e-mail address to be used in case of any difficulty with the primary address: )